Intention Beads

Spring Equinox & Saturn Astrology Webinar


We are very excited to bring you our newest online webinars and we hope that they provide you with valuable astrological information. The LIVE Webinar has passed, but it is available for download! Purchase here and you will be emailed the download link! (Select 'No Chart' for immediate delivery OR select 'Yes chart' to receive your chart and the download link within the next 3 days)

Learn about Saturn and the ancient rulership of Aquarius. Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline, and commitment- but what does it mean when Saturn is back to the ancient domain of Aquarius? And when it comes to the Spring Equinox, what portals are opened- and where is our energy best placed? 

The CWS Astrology Webinars are a great way to learn more about astrology! Sandy and Susan are teaming up to provide lessons on both current astrological transits and the basics of astrology. Their unique way of teaching is upbeat, humorous, and approachable. Join this duo either LIVE for the airing of the webinar or DOWNLOAD the recording anytime afterward! 

Since our webinars will be speaking about general astrological phenomenon, we will not be able to focus on individual charts. However, if you’d like to personalize the webinar- there are two options:

  1. When Sandy and Susan are discussing the transits- they mention specific chart points that may correlate to yours! For $5, you can add a digital copy of your Chart (natal astrological chart + the current transits), which is emailed to you directly. Choose "Yes" to add this to your order & fill-out this form with your birth information here!
  2. Stick around after the webinar to speak privately with Sandy and Susan about your chart! It is best to schedule these prior to the webinar, however, if there are any appointments available, you are able to sign-up during the webinar. ($40 for 15-minutes) Schedule here:



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