"Hello and welcome to CWS: Chatting with the Stars! We are Sandy and Susan - two astrologers who are here to bring the astrological wisdom to you."
— Sandy Rueve & Susan Gidel
Every second Wednesday of the month, Sandy Rueve and Susan Gidel, both knowledgeable & practiced astrologers, host public astrology webinars & private, two-on-one astrological consultations. Also, they host free forecast videos LIVE on Facebook each month!
Astrology Webinars
The CWS Astrology Webinars are a great way to learn more about astrology! Sandy and Susan are teaming up to provide lessons on both current astrological transits and the basics of astrology. Their unique way of teaching is upbeat, humorous, and approachable. Join this duo either LIVE for the airing of the webinar or DOWNLOAD the recording afterward to watch whenever.
Full Webinar LibraryAstrology Consultations
Private, video astrological consultations are a great way for both understanding your current situation and finding some inspiration. Sandy's subjects of expertise are love, passion, creativity, times of challenge or heartbreak. Susan's areas of expertise are financials, business decisions, commodities, and career moves. During this time Sandy and Susan will use your personal natal chart to answer any questions you want to ask.
Schedule a consultation in 30 or 60 minute increments by reserving your time here.
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