The New Apple Watch by She Beads

There is something beautiful and precious of doing things the simple way, and this is brought back to life with the new Apple Watch created by She Beads. While tech companies the world over have attempted to make hi-tech watches look stylish while simultaneously performing a function, there is something about them that just doesn't scream fashionable, until now.

She Beads has made the seemingly impossible, possible. With tons of 'useful features' included, this less expensive alternative to the aesthetically displeasing watches can do [basically] everything the same, if not better.

For instance, weather forecasting is now quick, easy, and doesn't require a Wifi password. Simply put the watch on, step outside, and you'll know what outfit will suit the current weather conditions. Additionally, there is no constant worrying about battery life, because this beauty has the life of three years, guaranteed. This means no charging, no cords, simply no strings attached.

The features don't stop with weather and battery life, however. Fitness is now infinitely improved as well! It's true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and what better way to remember this health-conscious mantra than to see the very fruit itself on your own wrist everyday. The Apple Watch is also your new workout buddy, just accessorize it with the latest fashion of patterned leggings and sweat deterring jacket for the cutest outfit in spin class.

Family disputes and sibling battles starting over data usage every month? Well no more! The money saved and stress relieved from this device is truly heaven sent. No data requirements mean less money out of your wallet, and a happier, healthier home life. You're welcome for that too.

While this is a humorous take on the latest technological advancement, this watch includes the same care and devotion as any other product handmade in the Wilmette studio. The double strand of small beads connect with a stainless steel watch face, and the ability to fit any size wrist is another She Beads plus that can't be beat.

Finally, if you're still looking for the perfect gift for the kids' teachers, look no further. What better way to apologize for little Johnny pulling Sally's hair than to appreciate the teachers that deal with your little angels for eight hours a day? The watch is perfect for any grade school teacher, principle or math tutor who wants to brag about an individual and unique Apple Watch.


1 comment

I love these and would like to see a bigger variety of watches

Lori Hull June 16, 2015

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