To my mother, Sandy Rueve.
Saying that I'm the luckiest to have a mom like you seems like a drastic understatement. Not only are you a mother to me, but you're my fearless business partner, wise mentor, travel buddy, adventure co-trail-blazer, ... and the list continues daily. From a young age you have shown me what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur (and trust that is a LOT), a confident woman, and a nurturing human being. For those gifts, I am eternally grateful. You teach me every day to not only see the light, but to BE the light - just by being YOU!

We have traveled through multiple continents, navigated high and low moments, and all the while, co-running a company that puts our creativity and customers first. Here's to the adventures ahead - sharing our gifts with the world!

1 comment
Hi dear!
I hope you are well
I met you in 2019 Mind soul and body
My husband bought 3 bracelets and talked in Spanish
I love your jewelry
You are a beautiful woman and reflect your mom’s soul
You are amazing team
Congratulations for Your beautiful family